Age-Friendly Oxford

Age-Friendly Oxford 

Our vision is an inclusive livable community with housing, transportation, social opportunities, and services that support the well-being of citizens of all ages.

Age-Friendly Oxford (AFO) is a community improvement initiative working to create livability in the greater Oxford area, which includes the surrounding townships that make up the Talawanda school district (Hanover, Milford, Oxford, Reily). It is based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Age-Friendly Cities Project and AARP’s Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities

The leadership of AFO is composed of three “pillar” organizations that work together to realize AFO’s vision for an inclusive livable community with housing, transportation, social opportunities, and services that support the well-being of citizens of all ages. 


Oxford Seniors
is the AFO fiduciary agent
and the contact address and phone number

Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University manages administrative responsibilities (event coordination, meeting scheduling, listserv, website, and communications)

City of Oxford
serves as the official applicant to the AARP Network and provides guidance on local regulatory and governance matters


To learn more about Age-Friendly Oxford,
visit their website, follow them on social media, or reach out by email.


Age-Friendly Oxford Facebook

Email -

Age-Friendly Oxford Community Resource Directory

Helpful Links for All Ages
How we think and talk about aging matters! 
If you’d like to learn more, try these resources:  

Ageism Guide - So What Is Ageism?

Inclusive Language - Avoiding Ageist Language

National Center to Reframe Aging - Language Guides, Resources, and More

Miami University Brand Identity - Age